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Elemental Science's Three Series of Science Programs

At Elemental Science, you will find three unique series of science programs, plus a line of high school programs, to help you teach science.

Three Series of Award-winning Homeschool Science Programs from Elemental Science

 All of these are based on the three keys to teaching science so no matter which series you choose, you'll cover the necessary information over the years. However, each series has its own unique flair!

Here is a quick glance at the differences between the main three series:

See a more in-depth comparison of our Classical Science vs. Sassafras Science series or Science Chunks vs. Classical Science. Or keep reading to learn more about the three series of science programs and see the typical progression through each one.

The Classical Science Series

The programs in the Classical Science Series are full-year long programs, meaning they contain 36 weeks of plans for you to use. They cover a single broad discipline per year - biology, earth science and astronomy, chemistry, or physics.

Here are how the three keys work in these programs...

  1. Do: Weekly demonstrations or experiments (For the grammar stage, these come from experiment books. For the logic stage, these are included in the guides.)
  2. Read: Readings come from full-color, visually appealing children's encyclopedias by publishers such as DK, Kingfisher, or Usborne.
  3. Write: Custom notebook with plenty of pictures and space to write down what they have learned. (There are also optional lapbooks and coloring pages with the grammar stage programs.)

The programs in this series also include...

  • Memory work and additional STEAM activities
  • Plus, quizzes for the grammar stage and tests for the logic stage 

Our Classical Science programs range in age from kindergarten through eighth grade, but you can combine 1st- to 4th-grade students, 5th- to 8th-grade students in groups.

Here is the typical progression through this series...

You can pick up the Classical Series at any point, so find what would be best for your student and start there.

This series is best for...

  • Those who want to dive deep into a discipline of science.
  • Those who subscribe to the classical method of education.
  • Those who don't mind using more than one program with multiple children.

The Sassafras Science Series

The main programs in the Sassafras Science Series are semester-long programs, meaning they contain 18 weeks of plans for you to use. The novels cover a single area of science per year - zoology, anatomy, botany, earth science, geology, or astronomy, and eventually chemistry and physics. (Note - Summer's Lab is a 32-week long introduction to all of the above topics.)

Here are how the three keys work in these programs...

  1. Do: Weekly demonstrations are included in the activity guides for the teacher.
  2. Read: Readings come from the included text - either the stories in Summer's Lab or the Sassafras Science Adventure novels.
  3. Write: Custom notebook with plenty of pictures and space to write down what they have learned. (There are also optional lapbooks and coloring pages with the programs.)

The programs in this series also include...

  • Memory work and additional STEAM activities
  • Plus, quizzes for each of the locations in the novels 

Our Sassafras Science programs range in age from kindergarten through sixth grade, but you can combine all your students into one group, adjusting the writing and reading expectations based on the age of the student.

Here is the typical progression through this series...

It is best to read the novels in this series in order for the sake of the storyline. However, we do have many people who pick up the story with one of the later volumes. We do review a bit from the previous book in the first chapter, so it is possible.

This series is best for...

  • Those who want to cover more than one area of science in a year.
  • Those who wish to teach science at home a bit differently.
  • Those who only want to do one program with multiple children.

The Science Chunks Series

The digital unit studies that are a part of our Science Chunks Series provide the tools you need to introduce science in bite-sized chunks. The easy-to-use plans and attractive lapbook and notebook templates will help you to create a fantastic learning opportunity with minimal effort! 

Here are how the three keys work in these programs...

  1. Do: Weekly demonstrations are included in the guides as part of the lesson.
  2. Read: Readings come from full-color, visually appealing children's encyclopedias by publishers such as DK, Kingfisher, or Usborne. (There is an option for younger students and one of older students.)
  3. Write: Choose from coordinating lapbooking templates or notebook sheets to record what your students have learned.

The programs in this series also include...

  • Additional STEAM activities
  • Plus, a review sheet at the end of each unit

Our Science Chunks units range in age from kindergarten through sixth grade, but you can combine all your students into one group, adjusting the writing and reading expectations based on the age of the student.

Here is the typical progression through this series...

  • Year A (Includes units on Plants, Biomes, Solar System, Atoms, Light, and Sound, plus a unit on Gregor Mendel)
  • Year B (Includes units on Human Body, Weather, Stars, Matter, Acids and Bases, and Energy, plus a unit on Louis Pasteur)
  • Year C (Includes units on Living World, Invertebrates, Planet Earth, Periodic Table, Force, Motion, plus a unit on Marie Curie)
  • More year bundles will come in the future!

There is no right or wrong way to complete the Science Chunks units. You can choose to use one unit to dig into an interest. You can use a full year of units as we suggest. Or you can make your own unique combination for science!

This series is best for... 

  • Those who want to pick and choose what you study throughout the year.
  • Those who wish to have more freedom and flexibility with their science materials.
  • Those who only want to do one program with multiple children.

If you have a high schooler...

We also offer independent study plans for high school science!