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Finding Scientific Information 101: Three Keys to Teaching Science at Home, Part 2


Finding Scientific Information 101: Three Keys to Teaching Science at Home, Part 2 {Episode 36}

We are back with the second part of the Three Keys to Teaching Science Session. And in this episode, we are going to chat about the second key – gathering information.

Hi, I’m Paige Hudson and you are listening to the Tips for Homeschool Science Show where we are breaking down the lofty concepts of science into building blocks you can use in your homeschool!

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The Three Keys to Teaching Science

  • Performing Hands-on Scientific Tests
  • Gathering Information
  • Keeping  A Record

Why do you need to gather information?

  • Science is a combination of facts and applications.
  • Students need to know what has been proven to be true.
  • Provides the student with a knowledge base for further discovery.

I recommend you read to your students or have them read about science at least twice a week during the school year.

You can use:

  • Science-focused living books 
  • Age-appropriate encyclopedias 
  • Standard textbooks
  • Internet Research
  • YouTube Videos

In the early years, you will read to your children. As their reading skills increase, have your students read more and more on their own.

Tips for gathering information:

  • Choose the resources that interest your child.
  • Always orally discuss what the students have read. 

Takeaway Tidbits

As homeschoolers, we have a wide variety of options to teach science. We can use encyclopedias, living books, resources from the Internet, or textbooks. (Pin this Tidbit)
Whatever you choose to share scientific information with your students, make sure it holds their interest. (Pin this Tidbit)

Additional Resources

Check out the following articles for more tips on gathering information:

And here are the links to all of the podcasts in this series:

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