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Science Made Fun: Dive into Learning with these FREE Printable Games

How do you make science fun? Play a few games! Come get some inspiration, game suggestions, and lots of free printables from Elemental Science.

One of my favorite quotes from Albert Einstein is:

“Play is the highest form or research.”

And science games are one of the best ways to sneak in a bit of play-research!

Science Made Fun Through Games

How do you make science fun? Play a few games! Come get some inspiration, game suggestions, and lots of free printables from Elemental Science.

Sometimes we try to make science way too serious. Instead, we need to lighten things up and make science fun by diving into learning with a game!

The Inspiration

My mom was an elementary school teacher before my brother and I came along. She mainly taught second grade and because of this, she had an entire cabinet full of educational games. 

But you see, when we were younger, we just thought we had a lot of cool games that our mom would play with us. We had so much fun that we did not know we were actually learning or reviewing material at the same time.

Her passion for making learning fun spilled over into me and into our homeschool.

How to Fit In Science Games

We instituted Friday Fun Days in our homeschool and a big part of those Fridays was games. We played language games, logic games, math games, and science games.

The kids loved it! And I loved it because we were reviewing what we had learned in an interesting way.

A Few Science Game Ideas

Your game can be a simple one - like the Molecular Motion game that our son came up with when we were learning about the different states of matter. In this game, the caller (you) cries out either solid, liquid, or gas and the players (your students) have to imitate those states.

  • In the solid state, the player freezes.

  • In the liquid state, the player moves smoothly and slowly, gliding around the room.

  • And in the gas state, the player jumps, bounces, and runs around.

It’s hilarious to watch, and it gives the students a feel for how molecules move in the different states.

FREE Printable Games and Paid Options

You don't have to come up with your own game. There are lots of science game options out there for free or to buy! 

    We offer lots of FREE printable science games:

    And here is a list of science game options from Our Journey Westward:

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