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5 Sanity-saving tips to help you actually do experiments {Episode 20}

January 23, 2017 2 min read

{Episode 20} 5 Sanity-saving tips to help you actually do experiments

As homeschooling moms, we get pulled in a thousand of different directions. We have multiple lessons to prepare and teach, food to get on the table, and laundry that never ends. We are multi-tasking masters and gatherers of tips to help our day go smoother!

In episode 20 of the Tips for Homeschool Science Show, I am going to share with you all five sanity-saving tips and that will help your science experiments go so much smoother.

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If you found these homeschool science tips to be helpful, would you please take a moment to rate it on iTunes or Google Play? This would help me tremendously in getting the word out so that more ear buds are filled with science-teaching encouragement.

The Highlights

These five tips will help you actually do experiments each week during your school year!

Tip #1 – Have a plan.

  • Plan a unit, semester, or a year a time.

Tip #2 – Take regular breaks.

  • Be sure to incorporate regular breaks.

Tip #3 – Stock a science supply cabinet.

  • Have the supplies you need on hand or buy a coordinating experiment

Tip #4 – Do experiments on a set day.

  • Decide what day of the week will work best for experiments and stick to it.

Tip #5 – Read ahead.

  • Before the week begins, always read over what you will be doing.

Additional Resources

Check out the following articles for a bit of help with experiments:

Or come see our experiment help Pinterest board:


Also in {Podcast} The Tips for Homeschool Science Show

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