Time to figure out what is what - how to analyze your data

Time to figure out what is what - how to analyze your data {Science Fair Project Challenge Episode 6}

Now we get to figure out what is what - in other words, we'll crunch numbers and read between the lines to figure out how our test measured up to our hypothesis.

In the sixth science fair project challenge episode, we are going to discuss how to analyze all the data you collected from your experiment.

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Step 6: Analyze the Data Highlights

The sixth step of the science fair project is to analyze the data. This phase is patterned after step five and six of the scientific method where the scientist analyzes what he has observed and recorded so that he can make a statement about whether or not his hypothesis was true. 

The students doing the science fair project have finished their experiment and are ready to analyze the data they have collected. They need to:

Now, the students need to:

  1. Review and organize the information they have collected.
  2. State the answer to their original question that they discovered through their testing.
  3. Draw several conclusions detailing what they have learned through their experiment.

The testing is finished. The answer has been discovered. 

All that is left is for the students to pull it all together and share with others what they have done!

Resources for this Science Fair Project Step

Download the science fair project worksheets to use as you go through this step with your students.

Check out the following post for help with completing this step of the science fair project:

Or email podcast@elementalscience.com with your questions.

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