How to teach science at home {Episode 99}

This past month I shared a Zoom session with a charter school that I thought you all would enjoy listening in on. It's all about how to teach science at home!

Welcome to season 7 of the Tips for Homeschool Science Show, where we are exploring the how-to’s of teaching science at home so that you will have building blocks you need for homeschool science.

I am Paige Hudson, your guide through this journey. Let’s dig in…

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Episode 99 - How to teach science at home


Here is what you'll find in this episode along with a few links to what is mentioned in the session. 


The session begins


Your goals for teaching science at the different ages.


What you can use to teach science at home.


The nitty-gritty = how to put it all together


A look at our three series - Classical Science, Sassafras Science, and Science Chunks.

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