How To Make A Bioplastic In Your Kitchen

Our summer science fun continues! Today the Prez and I are going to share with you how to make a simple bioplastic in your microwave!!

What is a bioplastic you ask? It's a plasticky material made from biological chemicals - clear as muddy water?

Now, we can't exactly make a completely hard bioplastic in our microwave. That would require a few more steps and processes that you probably don't have the ability to do in your kitchen.

However, we will make a super cool gel-like plastic using cornstarch and a few other items.

Let's get started...

How To Make A Bioplastic In Your Kitchen

What you need

  • Cornstarch
  • Water
  • Vegetable Oil
  • Plastic baggie
  • Food coloring (optional)

What to do

Step 1 - Begin by adding equal parts of cornstarch and water, about a cup of each, into your baggie.

Step 2 - Next, add a teaspoon of vegetable oil and a few drops of food coloring if you want.

Step 3 - Then, seal the baggie well. And mix, mash, and massage the baggie until everything is mixed well.

Step 4 - Open a corner of the baggie, so it can vent, place it on a plate, and set it in the microwave. Cook your baggie for about 25 seconds on high.

Step 5 - Wait about a minute or so for the baggie to cool.

Step 6 - Once, the baggie is cool to the touch, remove your cornstarch plastic and mold it into whatever you like!!

What Happened

Plastic is a polymer, which is basically a long-chained molecule. In the baggie, the molecules in the cornstarch and oil are being broken apart by the heat. Then, they combine and form into the super-long chains of a polymer.

Wrapping it Up

Wasn’t that superiffic?

We’d love to see the bioplastic creations you make – post a pic on Instagram and tag it with #SassySci (or @sassafrassci bioplastic) and the Prez and I will check it out!

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