5 Ways To Use Science Activities To Get Rid Of All That Halloween Candy

We like candy - let's face it - every kid loves candy! But our parents don't want to eat tons of candy and quite frankly our teeth thank them.

So, rather than throwing all our Halloween candy in the trash, we are going to have a bit of science fun this year!

These five ideas are on our list to test out and we thought you guys would have fun with them too!

5 Ways to Use Science to Get Rid of all that Halloween Candy

#1 - Blow-up a marshmallow ghost.

Now, you are not going to really blow it up, as that would be a lot to clean up, but you are going to expand it a bit!

This one is super simple, all you do is place the marshmallow ghost on a plate and put it in the microwave. Heat it on high for 30 seconds and watch it grow!

Once it doubles, turn the microwave off and carefully remove the ghost to observe. (Don't touch it as it will be super hot!)

#2 - Make a rainbow skittles.

Grab a shallow dish and place a rainbow of skittles around the outside of the dish in a ring. Then, add a bit of water to the center, so that it touches the ring of skittles and watch what happens!

You can do this with M&M's too, but we prefer to eat those instead :-)!

#3 - Make a candy pumpkin structure.

This is a classic engineering experiment with a twist - basically you use toothpicks and pumpkin candies to make a castle of your own design.

Just design, test, and build whatever pumpkin castles they can dream up. You will be amazed by what you all can create!

#4 - Dissolve a few candy corns.

Fill a glass with water, drop in a few candy corns, and watch what happens.

The candy corns will dissolve, well at least they will mostly dissolve - you will have to do this one to see what we mean. But we warn you, it might change your thoughts about eating candy corns.

#5 - Sink or float a candy bar.

Choose five different candy bars to test - we cringe a bit at recommending that you use a Milky Way Dark and a Snickers as those are some of our favorites to eat, but they do give good results.

Once you select the candy, unwrap them and drop them into a tall glass filled with water to see if they sink or float. You can leave them in the water to see what happens, but it gets a bit sticky and gross from there.

Wrapping It Up

So there you have it, five ways to use up all that Halloween candy without rotting your teeth! Hope you have a safe, enjoyable Halloween.

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