Dust off your lab coat and goggles, it is time to get dirty and do your experiment!

Dust off your lab coat and goggles, it is time to get dirty and do your experiment! {Science Fair Project Challenge Episode 5}

Pull out your lab coat and goggles - if you have them - it's time to get dirty!

In the fifth science fair project challenge episode, we are going to discuss the keys for performing your science fair project experiment.

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Step 5: Perform the Experiment Highlights

The fifth step of the science fair project is to perform the experiment. This phase is patterned after step four and five of the scientific method.

By this time in the science fair project, the students have completed their design and are now ready to perform their experiment.

This step may take several weeks depending on how long they have designed it to take.

The students need to:

  1. Get ready for their experiment by gathering and preparing the supplies.
  2. Run their experiment from start to finish using the plan they developed in the last step.
  3. Record their observations and results as the test progresses.

Now that the students have gathered their data, they are ready to analyze it to determine the answer to their question.

Resources for this Science Fair Project Step

Download the science fair project worksheets to use as you go through this step with your students.

Check out the following posts for help with completing this step of the science fair project:

Or email podcast@elementalscience.com with your questions.

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