5 Tips to help you get it all done - if that's even possible... {Episode 29}

5 Tips to help you get it all done - if that's even possible... {Episode 29}

As a homeschooler and work at home mom, it’s hard to find that balance between all the things that pull on my schedule.  It is difficult to figure out how to organize my week so that I can do what I need to do and not get too side-tracked by what I don’t.

In this episode of the Tips for Homeschool Science Show, I am going to answer the question, “How do you get it all done?”

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The Highlights

First of all - I don’t claim to get everything done in a day that I wish I could! There just aren't enough hours to complete my wish list.

However, I have learned these five tips really help me to complete all the things I need to do. Through the years by trial and error, plus tips from other homeschool moms, I make sure that I make these five things are a part of my schedule.  

Here are my top 5 tips for getting it all done:

Plan, plan, plan. 

I plan my meals, I plan when I clean certain parts of the house, and I plan what we are going to do each day in homeschooling. 

    Protect your school time. 

    If you want to get school done, don’t let other things interrupt your school time. I try not to answer the phone or schedule appointments for when we normally do school. 

    Have breaks and rest time.  

    I know this sounds counterproductive, but breaks can help you to refocus and prepare for the next thing. 

    Get up before everyone else.  

    I know it’s hard, especially when you have a toddler who likes to get up very early, but I’ve found that the morning hours are a great time to get things done!

    When things aren’t working, re-evaluate. 

    Sit down and think about why things aren’t working. Once you evaluate how things are working, you can change the things that need adjusting.

    Additional Resources

      Well, those are my top five tips for getting everything you need to each day done! 

      What would you add to this list?  What tips do you give when someone asks, how do you get it all done?

      Here are a few more articles to help you as you plan and to give you a few laughs along the way!

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