Be Consistent {Homeschool Science Tip from Elemental Science}

Homeschool Science Tip - The best plan for success is to be consistent.

It's not the perfect program. It's not an expensive set-up. And it's not the ideal convergence of a splendid learning experience that leads to success with teaching science at home.

It's consistency. 

Success is found in consistently chipping away at the iceberg. It's in the weekly progress through the plans that work for your family. It's in the persistent presentation of the bits and pieces of science. This is how to get to a successful finish line.

But the reality is that consistency is something that we all struggle with from time to time. Here are three tips to help you be consistent with teaching science:

  1. Have a plan - One the best ways to be consistent is to have a plan. It helps us to know what to do when and to hold us accountable.
  2. Set aside time - Once you have a plan in place, the next thing to do is to set aside time each week to do science. And then, make sure that you don't schedule other things during that time. 
  3. Follow a rabbit trail - Every once in a while, you want to follow a rabbit trail to keep your student interested in science. You can do that through a field trip, through nature study, or by taking a break from your plans to explore a topic more deeply.

In short, get a plan for homeschool science in your hands and set aside the time each week to work through it, but don't be afraid to follow a few rabbit trails along the way to keep your student's interest alive. These three things will help you to consistently share the amazing wonders of science!

Need a nudge towards consistency?

Get a few tips to help you be consistent with teaching science by checking out the following podcasts:

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