Should You Use The SCIDAT Logbook Or The Lapbook? {Sassafras Science Questions}

Logbook or lapbook?

It's a question we often get around these here parts.

And so we thought it might make sense to answer this question here - in case there's someone out there who is still trying to decide whether the SCIDAT logbook or the lapbook fits their future adventurers!

SCIDAT Logbook Or Lapbook?

And here's a closer look at what it's like to use both the lapbook and the SCIDAT logbook.

The Sassafras Science Lapbook

Our lapbooks are a gentle way to record your journey perfect for younger students, those reluctant writers who don't want a lot of white space, or those creative kiddos who prefer to cut, paste, and color their notebooks!

Each lapbooking guide includes:

  • A reading plan for The Sassafras Science Adventures Series novel broken up into weekly lessons;
  • All the templates and pictures you need to create one beautiful lapbook or 8 mini-lapbooks;
  • Vocabulary words for each chapter;
  • A list of additional books that you can check out from your library;
  • And coordinating scientific demonstrations!

Now that you know what the lapbooking guide contains, let's peek inside Paige's homeschool as she and her son share how they use the Sassafras Science lapbooks!

The SCIDAT Logbook

Our logbooks are a notebooking-style journal perfect for students to keep a record of what they have learned as they journey with us through the novel. Each logbook includes open-ended pages complete with images and spaces for your students to fill.

In the logbook, you will find pages like:

  • Overview sheets with maps;
  • Subject-specific pages with images and space for narrations;
  • Glossary sheets with vocabulary cards;
  • And space to record additional narrations, copywork, or dictation assignments.

The SCIDAT logbook partners with the activity guide which includes a buffet of options for you to use to create a full homeschool science curriculum.

And now that you know what the logbooks include, let's peek inside Paige's homeschool as she shares how they use the Sassafras Science logbook and activity guide!

Wrapping It Up

In a nutshell, the lapbook is good for younger peeps, while the SCIDAT logbook is better for older students.

If you still have questions - we love to answer questions from our Sassy-Sci (or soon-to-be Sassy-Sci) peeps! You can email it our way or check out all the user questions posts to see if we have already covered it.

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